Yeah. That about sums in up.
SO I haven't written here in a while because I've been busy with NaNoWriMo, working and not working and trying to find a job, plus trying to figure out just what the hell I'm goign to do with the rest of my life. November has been the weirdest month I have ever experienced.
My best friend came back down from Florida, spent a month here that was a tizzy for everyone, went back to prepare for school and broke up with her boyfriend of three years. I was kind of caught in the middle, giving her the strength to not be 'guilted' into staying with him, and the VERY NEXT DAY trying to sort him out and get him to see that it's for the best. Even though this might blow up on us all.
Not to mention the non-drama-drama that has been going on in my life, or lack thereof.
I want to apply to Julliard.
Thing is, I can't read music. I've only had my keyboard for almost three months and I suck. Not a lot, but enough to not be accepted to such a prestigious school. I like to think I'm pretty good at playing by ear though.
There are ten more days in NaNoWriMo, and I only just hit 31k. WHY AM I NOT WRITING NOW???? I don't know. I think I may have broke my brain.You know, aside from the fact that that my characters have a mind of their own and just completely through me for a loop. Again.
Inn other news, I've noticed when I lay on my back, or rest my head on a headrest of something I get a headache out of this world. My sister says she has the same problem, but our mother says we're weird. Love that woman. But paired with my other weird aches and pains, I'm starting to get a tad bit worried.
OH! Did I tell you we have until December 31st to find somewhere else to live, my mother is hellbent on buying the house next door but can't find anyone to sign with her and come January 1st we might very well be homeless? No? Oh well, now you know.
If there are any millionaires out there who need a wife, really, I make a mean tuna casserole..........