Saturday, December 11, 2010

Well Hello, Hello...

Its been far too long since I posted here. November was insanely draining, on both my muse and my sanity, and I'm still revering, so don't expect much. I can say, though, that I successdully completed NaNoWriMo, and my novel So Far Down can be found, in part, on my other blog, Write or Implode, right here on Blogger. I'll be a nice person and link you.
Have I told you people how much I hate working, of any kind? Well, thats not true. I hate working where I do now, but that may just be because it's not fulfilling, at all. I love writing, though I don't do it nearly enough for my sanity. I hate chores. I hate washing dishes, which is probably why I only eat fast/junk food, or none at all. I really don't mind mopping and cleaning bathrooms and stuff, as long as it's not too nasty. I have two younger brother's and I'm dreading the day when we shall be forced to share the same bathroom again.
Like, really, I can't understand it. They have veritable HOSES through which to get their juice from Point A to Pool B; it SHOULD NOT be that hard. How can someone's aim be that bad!!! It's insane!
But I digress.
Johnny Depp is hot. And so is this guy.
And he has FRECKLES!!!!! It's the cutest thing. Even if he IS eighteen years my senior, I would so date him.

You know.....after I acquire a love for washing dishes and stuff.
Common, PLEASE come to The Bahamas!? I'll cook for you. I'll even make it taste good!
I posted a video on Youtube a few days ago. I don't usually get many views, or comments, but I like putting them up.

Now, I've wasted enough of your time here, really. I haven't even said anything worthwhile, besides pointing out the inherent, and obvious, hotness of the above pictured celebrity.  Plus, my eyes are starting to hurt.
So, until next time,

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